21 Self-Love Activities To Be Your Best Self
Try these self love activities to love yourself more
“ If you love yourself, you love others. If you hate yourself, you hate others. In relationships with others, it is only you, mirrored.”
When was the last time you looked in the mirror and truly appreciated yourself? For most of us, self-love feels like an uphill battle.
Shockingly, only 4% of women around the world consider themselves to be beautiful (and men too, I imagine). This highlights how deeply ingrained our struggles with self-esteem and self-worth can be.
But what if you could take intentional steps to change that?
In this post, I’ll walk you through some of the most effective self-love activities that I have found. These self-love exercises are things you can easily incorporate into your daily routine, they’re available to you any time of day or night, and most of them are completely free. They will help you embrace who you are - flaws, strengths, and everything in between.
The good news is that self-love is a skill that can be nurtured and strengthened, just like any other habit.
Want to learn more about self-love? Check out my posts on self-love poems, self-love affirmations, self-love journaling prompts, and my interview with a self-love coach! And check out this page for all things self-love.
1. Practice mirror work
This is one of the most impactful self-love exercises I’ve found, and it has helped me fundamentally shift my relationship with myself. I used to criticize myself and get depressed whenever I looked in the mirror. When I began my self-love journey, I made it a point to compliment myself each time I saw my own reflection - that meant every single time I went to the bathroom!
Slowly but surely, I noticed shifts. I started to truly believe I was beautiful, and I looked forward to seeing my reflection. I would say things like “Good morning, beautiful!” and “You’re doing good, Sumeeta.”
To do this exercise, look at yourself in the mirror and make eye contact with yourself. Then say kind things and give yourself compliments. I like to focus on things that go beyond my physical appearance when I can.
Here are some examples of what you can say:
I love you, I REALLY love you.
You are beautiful.
You’re worthy of good things.
You are enough.
You are kind.
You’re a great friend/daughter/sister.
I love and accept you exactly as you are.
Doing this daily can can help replace negative thought patterns with self-acceptance. While it may feel awkward at first, over time you will start to believe it - because it's true!
Here’s a great video to guide you through mirror work:
2. Write down a list of what you love about yourself
Take some time to reflect on your strengths, talents, and the qualities you appreciate most about yourself - then make a list of 10 characteristics you love about yourself.
Put this list where you can see it every day, and refer to it anytime you feel self-doubt or are tempted to compare yourself to others.
3. Take a solo trip
Traveling alone has been one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. It has given me confidence, strength, and memories that will last a lifetime. Whenever I feel lost or down, I leave for some solo travel and find myself again.
Get out of your comfort zone, reconnect with yourself, and embrace independence. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a day exploring a nearby town, traveling solo will help you learn to love yourself more. It gives you the freedom to set your own pace and do whatever it is that brings you joy.
4. Do self-love journaling
I am a huge advocate for the transformative power of journaling. It helps you process emotions and foster self-compassion.
By writing down what’s circling through your mind, you can gain a clearer understanding of where your thoughts aren’t serving you. And when you journal to replace your harsh judgment of yourself with kindness and understanding, it can profoundly shift the way you treat yourself.
Remember, small changes ripple outward - even a few minutes of honest writing each day can lead to greater emotional awareness, healthier thought patterns, and a stronger sense of self-acceptance over time.
Here are a few questions to get you started, but check out my post on self-love journaling prompts for a full list:
What can I do everyday to build my confidence?
What can I stop doing that is making me unhappy?
I feel happiest when…
5. Use self-love affirmations
Affirmations work by reprogramming your subconscious mind to replace negative thought patterns with positive beliefs. By consistently repeating affirmations, you begin to internalize their empowering messages.
Muhammed Ali was well known for his positive self-talk, often saying phrases like "I am the greatest!" and "I am the master of my fate." I like to write self-love affirmations on post-it notes and stick them all over my house.
Choose affirmations that resonate most with you or cover an area you are working to improve. To get you started, below is a list of affirmations I got from J. Lo (she’s big on daily affirmations), and I also wrote an entire post about self-love affirmations:
I am open and receptive to all the goodness and abundance the universe has to offer.
I am in perfect health.
I am safe. I am whole.
I am good on my own.
The universe loves me. God loves me.
I am youthful and timeless at every age.
Your thoughts create your life so choose to think positive thoughts.
6. Visualize yourself as your ideal self
This self-love activity will help you train your brain to believe in your potential and take steps toward embodying those qualities.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Imagine the best version of you - how you look, act, and feel. Picture yourself confident, happy, and living a life that aligns with your values and goals.
Focus on the details: your expressions, the way you carry yourself, and the energy you radiate. Where are you, what are you wearing, what is the weather like?
Spend a few minutes fully immersing yourself in this vision, and revisit it frequently to reinforce your connection to this empowered version of yourself.
You can also use this for special situations, like if you have a big job interview or presentation coming up. Imagine yourself crushing it and spend time soaking in how good it feels to be you!
7. Listen to love songs
This one works wonders, and you can do it from anywhere. As proof, here’s a story about how powerful this self love exercise is:
A year ago, I was playing my self-love playlist on repeat while interviewing for new jobs. Not only did I land my dream job, I somehow found the balls to negotiate a much higher salary than they initially offered!
My new boss told me that she was impressed that I knew my worth and had the courage to ask for it. I can say for sure that without the lyrics from these songs circling through my head, I wouldn’t have been able to do that.
Either listen to songs about self-love (check out my post for a full list of self-love songs and a link to my Spotify playlist) or listen to traditional love songs and imagine that you are singing the lyrics to yourself. Listen to the words and let your entire being soak them in. Believe that you are all that and more, because you are!
8. Write a love letter to yourself
The first time I did this exercise for self-love, I was at a self-love workshop in Bali. I was surprised at how emotional it was for me to read the letter I wrote in front of everyone. I realized then and there that I needed to start being more mindful about the way I talked to myself.
To write a love letter to yourself, find a quiet, comfortable space where you can reflect without distractions. Begin by addressing yourself warmly, and write as though it is a close friend or your beloved you are writing to.
Write about the qualities you admire in yourself, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the things that make you unique. Freely explore things that cause you shame or things you don’t like about yourself, and then express gratitude for how far you’ve come and offer encouragement for the journey ahead. Be compassionate, honest, kind, and uplifting -this letter is your chance to celebrate yourself.
Re-read your letter whenever you need a pick-me-up or a reminder of how amazing you are. Try doing this exercise everyday for a week and witness its magic.
Try different variants of this like writing a letter to your younger or older self. And if you want to try something really cool, you can write a letter on futureme.org and have it sent to you at some date in the future!
9. Admire yourself in photos
Whenever I used to look at myself in photos, my first instinct was to always nitpick, criticize, and focus on the things about my appearance that I didn’t like. It just came so naturally to me.
But when I started my journey towards self-love, I began to shift my focus to the things I did like:
“I love how happy I look here. I am positively beaming!”
“Oh, my hair looked great that day!”
“Oooh, I’m looking thinner. My yoga workouts seem to be paying off!”
I know it can feel weird at first, especially when you’re accustomed to tearing yourself apart and feeling less than enough. But slowly, day by day, things will shift. Now I am amazed that everyone else isn’t constantly complimenting me too! :)
10. Do a sexy photo shoot for yourself
My self-love coach guided me to try this one. It felt super bizarre to do this without a partner to share them with, but it ended up being so much fun and really boosted my confidence!
I got all dolled up in a sexy nightgown, styled my hair with glamorous curls, and did some alluring bedtime makeup. Then I set up my camera timer and went to town!
11. Forgive yourself
Forgiveness is giving up the hope that what happened could have been any different. By choosing to forgive yourself, you’re not letting what should have happened hold you back anymore.
I have spent days, months, even years regretting the way I showed up in relationships and situations. I’ve blamed myself and caused myself SO MUCH misery.
Instead I now ask, '“What is this situation trying to teach me about MYSELF?” Asking questions like this helps me find the deeper lessons and silver linings in the crappy things that happen. It helps me free myself from thinking that everything bad that happens is my fault.
12. Record a video or voice note for yourself
Recording a video or voice note for yourself on your phone is a simple, feel-good way to show yourself some love. Just hit record and talk to yourself like you’re chatting with your best friend - hype yourself up and remind yourself how awesome you are.
Save it so you can play it back whenever you need a little boost or a reminder that you’ve got your own back!
13. Practice gratitude
Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to lift your spirits. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on a few things you’re grateful for - like a kind word from a friend, a sunny day, or even your favorite snack. Practicing gratitude doesn’t just help you feel good, it’s also proven to lower stress and improve your sense of calm.
But how does gratitude help with self-love? A lot, actually.
When you take time to appreciate what’s going well in your life, you start to see your own worth more clearly. You might even realize how much you’ve accomplished or contributed to the good things around you.
This practice quiets self-criticism and helps you treat yourself with the kindness you deserve. It’s like giving yourself a daily reminder that you’re worthy of love, happiness, and care.
14. Nourish your body
Take care of yourself, inside and out. Cook a healthy meal for yourself or treat yourself to a nice meal. Make choices that support your well-being, like quitting smoking or cutting back on alcohol and caffeine.
But, balance is key. Don’t take things to the point of depriving yourself. Enjoying life’s pleasures while taking care of your health is the ultimate form of self-love.
15. Dedicate an entire day to self-care
Spend a whole day focusing on yourself. Start by asking, “What’s the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” Listen to what your heart says and follow its lead.
Take yourself out on a solo date, go screen-free for a while, and do whatever makes you feel cared for. This day is all about treating yourself with love and showing up for yourself in the best way possible. Check out my post filled with self-care ideas for inspiration!
16. Make a list of things that make you happy
What brings you pure joy? Take some time to write down a list of things that light you up inside. It could be anything from casual hobbies you love to challenging activities that make you feel alive.
Tapping into your creativity and passions is a key part of self-love. Try something new like a woodworking, glassblowing, or pottery class. Keep adding to your list and make sure you’re always doing things that bring you happiness.
17. Give yourself a massage
Take time to give your body some love with a soothing massage. Use oil to gently massage each part of your body, and as you do, squeeze areas like your arms, legs, and shoulders, thanking them and saying “I love you.”
It’s a simple but powerful way to connect with your body and show yourself some care. Finish by wrapping yourself in a warm hug - it’s all about giving yourself the love and attention you deserve through physical touch.
18. Sleep naked
Sleeping naked is a powerful way to connect with your body and boost your confidence. Without the restriction of clothes, you can fully embrace your natural self, helping you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
This practice has helped me build a deeper sense of body acceptance. Give it a try and enjoy the freedom it brings!
19. Dance for yourself
Movement is transformative, and dancing is one of the best ways to get out of your head and reconnect with your body. Put on a song, let yourself move intuitively, and watch yourself in the mirror. Let your body express what words alone can't.
Dancing is also a great way to celebrate your femininity. For too long, society has shamed women for their sensuality, but dancing helps us reclaim that. When we connect with our bodies, we feel more at home in our own skin.
20. Pour liquid love on yourself
I learned this exercise for self-love from Adyashanti.
Sit quietly and imagine a beautiful energy of universal love pouring over you, like gold liquid love filling every part of your being. Any old or stuck energy flows out, replaced by this powerful, nurturing love.
Stay with this process for as long as it feels right, knowing that whether you feel emotions or nothing at all, it's perfect for you. Trust the process and let it be, allowing the love to flow freely.
21. Reframe negative thoughts
I learned this technique from therapy. Reframing negative thoughts has been one of the best tools I’ve found to protect my inner peace. It’s a way to shift any negative or self-defeating thoughts into more positive ones.
When you catch yourself thinking negatively, pause and ask yourself: Is this thought true? Is it helpful? Challenge your limiting beliefs because chances are they are just a story your mind is telling you.
Here’s a recent example from my own life: I made a new friend and we went to a show together for our first hang. After that, I asked them if they wanted to go to another show together, and they never replied to my text.
My inner dialogue started to swirl with thoughts about how they didn’t like me because I’m awkward or unlikeable. But I caught myself and redirected those thoughts - I reminded myself that this person has a really demanding job and could have gotten busy. I also reflected on the fact that I barely know this person, so even if they didn’t want to hang with me, it’s really not a reflection of who I am, and I have plenty of other friends who love hanging out with me.
In this way, questioning your negative default thinking is a great way to show yourself the love and kindness you deserve.
These self-love activities are simple but mighty. By practicing them regularly, you’ll gradually begin to shift how you see yourself. And since our relationship with ourselves is the foundation for all our other relationships, these small changes can have a big impact on every area of your life.
Do you have any self-love exercises you love? I’d love to hear! This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through them, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. I donate 10% of all proceeds made from this blog to charity. Find out more about the charity I am supporting here.
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Hi, I’m Sumeeta
After traveling to 50+ countries, I realized that what I was really searching for was a deeper understanding of myself. My travels were a catalyst for inner growth, and I’m sharing what I’ve learned to empower you.